Large numbers in Italian

Large Numbers in Italian

We have already seen the numbers from 1 to 100 in Italian.

Now we are going to look at larger numbers.


The hundreds in Italian are regular. You just need to put the single digit number before cento. The exception is 100 where it is just cento (without the number uno added to it).

  • 100 – cento
  • 200 – duecento
  • 300 – trecento
  • 400 – quattrocento
  • 500 – cinquecento
  • 600 – seicento
  • 700 – settecento
  • 800 – ottocento
  • 900 – novecento

Numbers up to a thousand are written as one word without any spaces.

  • 246 – duecentoquarantasei
  • 999 – novecentonovantanove

Mille – Mila

The number mille (1000) becomes mila in the plural. The same rule applies as happens with hundreds, you just add the single number before the mila. The exception is 1000 where it is just mille (without the number added to it).

  • 1.000 – mille
  • 2.000 – duemila
  • 3.000 – tremila
  • 4.000 – quattromila
  • 5.000 – cinquemila
  • 6.000 – seimila
  • 7.000 – settemila
  • 8.000 – ottomila
  • 9.000 – novemila
  • 10.000 – diecimila
  • 20.000 – ventimila
  • 69.000 – sessantanovemila
  • 100.000 – centomila
  • 300.000 – trecentomila
  • 957.000 – novecentocinquantasettemila

Numbers over 100,000 are normally broken into groups of three

  • 362.594 – trecentosessantaduemila, cinquecentonovantaquattro

But it can also be written as one long word without any breaks

  • 362.594 – trecentosessantaduemilacinquecentonovantaquattro

Milione – Milioni

The number milione (1.000.000) becomes milioni in the plural. Notice how for 1.000.000 we need to use the article UN before the word milione.

  • 1.000.000 – un milione
  • 2.000.000 – due milioni
  • 3.000.000 – tre milioni
  • 10.000.000 – dieci milioni
  • 40.000.000 – quaranta milioni
  • 500.000.000 – cinquecento milioni

Milione and milioni can remain separate from the numbers that follow:

  • 1.850.000 – un milione ottocentocinquantamila
  • 4.346.273 – quattro milioni trecentoquarantaseimila duecentosettantatré

Miliardo – Millardi

The next group of numbers are the billions. Miliardo is singular and miliardi is plural.

  • – un miliardo
  • – due miliardi
Lesson tags: Numbers, Numeri
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